Monday, 26 July 2010


I wonder if this blog is sustainable?

Not in the green sense – obviously it’s no more or less sustainable than any other interaction with online services. There’s hardly any change in the world’s energy usage when I update my blog, but the collective energy surge of 100m self-interested tweeting wankers is the equivalent of 50,000 cows farting in the face of a child over and over again for an hour.

Or so I’m told *

But the simple problem is that I’m writing it because I was finding it hard to write. So either I find it easier to write, in which case I’ll go and do something more worthy, or I don’t which case this will be like threading one’s own pubic hair.


* actually, I’m not. But you knew that.
2 June - ha!


I have post-show blues.

It may be rather obvious that this blog is well behind schedule – the disparity between the official date and the posted date being but one clue, the excessive radio silence over the last month being another. But I haven’t given up, I’ve just been a smidge preoccupied.

I’ve just completed a run of Don Juan in Soho. It was enormously good fun, had a lovely talented and charming cast and probably the best director I’ve had the pleasure of working with. But like all “society productions” it was only on for a week. It’s faintly depressing.

I’ve tried to cheer myself up with the thought that I’ve been in a few shows that I was mighty glad were only a week long. The thought of performing “Light in the Village” for three months is enough to daunt even the most committed professional.

I’ll get over it. Already my hair and accent are fading. Soon I’ll look and sound like me again. Sad day. Hopefully I will get to catch up with my lovely cast mates before the inevitable happens and they completely stop caring. Casts are like mammal parents – they form a bond that seems incredibly intense, and then suddenly it stops and you never hear from them again. Possibly they drive you out of the burrow, I’m not sure. Just as long as they don’t bite.

(technically for 2 June - who am I kidding?)