Tuesday 3 January 2017


I thought I’d revisit my old random word generator to see what it offered me: I got ‘article’, which doesn’t sound like the spark of life for a surreal rampage through my memories, but does seem fairy appropriate for a return to regular blogging.

I say regular – if this remains the most up-to-date post come July 3rd feel free to slap me.

Even ‘article’ was a bit of a cheat; the first word offered was “brightness” which for all its light and fluffy connotations seemed even more vague and unhelpful, so I skipped over it, thereby trashing all the rules that I originally set up for Trampling (but since I broke them fairly solidly by not writing every day I probably shouldn’t worry too much).

Of course when I started The Trampling of Small Pigs there wasn’t much opportunity for writing in my life. The most exciting things I got to write were updates to government departments on how their money had been spent, which afforded fewer opportunities for yellow hippos and talking oysters than I would like. Now I get to write articles about human rights abuse in central America – strangely I’m still short on the talking oysters, but nevertheless it’s a marked improvement. Perhaps that’s why I haven’t been back for a while?

But as with everything, as soon as you start doing it for work it becomes hard work. If I was paid to drink Irn Bru I’d resent it by day three and start dreaming of Tizer. Frankly I’m perplexed by the right-wing tabloids: if thousands of “loafers” are indeed being paid by the state to not work, there ought to be an epidemic of volunteering as not working starts to feel like far too much hard work for all these apparently work-shy people.

But that might just be me.

Of course, to go off piste for a moment, the government would then sanction them for volunteering because if you’re helping raise money to stop old people from being made into kites, or whatever, you’re clearly not looking for jobs that don’t exist, and where would we be then?

So here I am, blogging ‘for fun’ and hoping that it actually is.

This article is a gentle reintroduction for me. Hopefully the benefits will become plain if I keep up some sort of momentum (keeping the Jeremy Corbyn of my motivation in charge of the hapless political party of my creativity). I don’t imagine this post itself will attract rave reviews, but since I don’t have an audience, at least it can’t put anyone off. See you “all” soon.