Tuesday 15 November 2011


My mum once banned the watching of Blackadder on the basis that it was puerile. This was a touch harsh on a number of levels, the most important being that 1) I was a child, and therefore it would be very appropriate for me and 2) no it bloody wasn't. It was occasionally bawdy, and seldom but sometimes scatological - but no more than the average Shakespeare comedy. Fortunately, mum has now seen sense and views BA as a comedy classic. Indeed she denies using the word with regard to Mr Adder, but given it was the first time I'd ever heard anyone use it and I had to go and look it up, she's not getting away it that easily.

We re-edit reality to suit us all the time. I have a few Indian friends who are now trying to suggest that when they predicted a 3-1 kicking of England by the India team they were kidding. Yes, that will be why you bet a tenner on it. And how many psychopathic mass killers do you know who have totally sublimated their murderous impulses and have no idea at all how many blondes they've killed in their bathtub until they find bloody hairs in the plug hole. Honestly, it happens all the time.

Take this very morning - I reported to my Beloved that a male friend (known here as TLSoM) had made a Facebook posted which asked "Have you seen Bridesmaids? It's actually very funny." Since she has seen and liked the film, her response was the slightly testy "oh, he's surprised it's funny because it's a bunch of of women, and women can't be funny, is that it?"

I gently reminded her that her reaction to the trailer before she had seen the film was something like "Christ, they've tried to make some sort of female version of The Hangover - that looks awful".

I still haven't seen it. It looks puerile to me.

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