Monday 30 August 2010


A married friend of mine has just posted the video of the Best Man's Speech made by a mutual friend, so it's funny that the randomiser just spat "speech" at me. Well, I say funny.

I had a pleasurable 15 minutes watching the speech, feeling transported by to 2005 and admiring the way in which the Best man somehow steered clear of saying anything truly embarrassing about the Groom whilst at the same time *appearing* to be utterly humiliating him. It's a fine line, and I suspect one that gets transgressed more than the popping crease at Lord's.

That's all really. I've hardly been to any weddings (my friends have a tendency not only not to get married but for some reason to bumble on like increasingly grey students and not find a mate). Also everyone hates me so they don't invite me.

That last bit may or may not be a joke. You'd have to ask them.

But it strikes me that if you can give the punters what they want (ritual abuse of the groom) whilst not giving them what they don't want (jokes about his misshaped cock made in front of his granny) you've done admirably well.

On the other hand it would have been nice if the whole thing hadn't sounded like a Tony Blair speech. I suppose you can't have everything.

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