Tuesday 21 September 2010


I'm not very good at asking questions. Rubbish, in fact. This doesn't mean I don't question things, probably more that I don't question small things. It might be part of my inability to master small talk. I am more interested in the fact that you had a good weekend than I am in the details. Unless they're interesting details. And I doubt very much the details are going to become more interesting if I cross examine you. You'd probably have mentioned if you'd found out that your toddler was a werebadger, or if the Montgolfier brothers accidentally sailed their balloon through a rift in time and across your front room while you were watching Spooks.

All in all this is a slightly worrying proposition for a writer. Aren't I supposed to be interested in everything?

Even worse, it means I will never get a job anywhere where they expect you to ask an interesting question. I'm too terrified of asking something and getting the reply "I think you'll find that's in the information we sent you". It's not going to happen, unless I develop a list of special catch all questions that are very unlikely to be in the supporting documentation:

* do you have any giraffes working here?
* what is your average room temperature at 4pm?
* do you have the same number of Tuesdays as [fill in rival organisation name here]?
* when was the last time you decorated the office?
* if you added together all the salaries of the people working here, how many square feet of the moon could you buy?

That should do it.

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