Tuesday 14 September 2010


Everything is sending me mad at the moment.

As this HR Review article points out, a right-wing think tank thinks trade unions are "more powerful than ever".

Given that Labour didn't repeal any of Thatcher and Major's anti-union laws, this takes some stomaching. But hilarious they justify this on the basis of unions being anti-democratic. Their argument is that only 31% of the UNITE membership of the recent strikes voted for action.

They are pushing for the assumption that if you don't vote you don't want to strike. But since strikes cost staff money, if you didn't want one surely you'd make more of an effort to oppose it?

But since the general election turn out was 65% and the Tories got 36% of that, if 31% isn't enough for a strike, when did 24.5% become enough to fuck up the country?

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