Sunday 6 June 2010


24 May 2010

It's a good job I'm running so far behind. Imagine if this had come up under a June heading! How embarrassing would that have been???

Last night I met an old friend who's girlfriend is expecting their first child. They want to call it May (if she's a girl). But she's going to be born in November. They're not letting that put them off though, especially since November is a bit of a handful and could confuse people (though I do know someone called October). I suppose most of the months make passable names, with the possible exception of February, which you wouldn't want to be associated with and which is a bit tricky to spell, especially if you're 6. Though it could give her an edge in spelling bees.

Do we have spelling bees here yet? It doesn't sound very difficult anyway. B.E.E.S. There, that wasn't so hard. If they hold a Spelling Chrysanthemum* let me know.

* this is the first time I've had to spell chrysanthemum since its correct spelling was ruthlessly drummed into my head 33 years ago. Just goes to show. I'm not sure what is goes to show, but it does, nevertheless. Which is a word a little like chrysanthemum. Nevertheless chrysanthemums. I want that on my tombstone.

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