Tuesday 8 February 2011


I'm not feeling very intellectual at the moment. I'm not feeling very anything at the moment, but intellectual is one things that I'm currently feeling more not than many other things. My absence from this blog/project/experiment/self-indulgence is linked to the same intellectual stupor, and is a source of massive - if slightly lethargic - irritation. I really wouldn't mind waking up one day and being able to pronounce the word chrysanthemum, but a blank mind just won't do.

Of course, I [don't] hear you ask, to suggest that I'm not currently feeling intellectual suggests that there's ever a time when I do. Arrogance! Conceit! Lettuce! And of course, you [i.e. no-one] is quite correct. I have about the same right to describe myself as an intellectual as Keira Knightly has to say "I'm really popular with women". But all of us, from time to time, is staggered by the sheer stupidity of people they encounter, and for a brief (and vaguely intoxicating) time get to think of themselves as intellectual by sheer contrast.

Not at the moment. Someone would have to be an actual shuffling zombie*, devoid of all thought except where the next piece of brain might be coming from before I would hold myself up for positive comparison. And even then, I'm thinking so slowly that I'd forget to run away from the zombie whilst comparing myself favourably to it, and get munched.

So I'll shuffle off now to the front room and stare with a perplexed expression at a BBC3 comedy. It's where I belong.

* or George Osborne

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