Saturday 1 May 2010


24 April 2010

I have a house full of crap. Well, not full, but cluttered. I live in fear that one day I will wake up to find that I am one of those people they used to feature on "Life of Grime" who have accumulated so much crap that the neighbours are complaining due to the fact that a glacier of 30 year old newspapers is slowly carving out valleys in their back garden and depositing drumlins of knickknacks all over their prized flower beds.

I should throw it all out, I know. I have heard of the concept of life laundry, but when you've destroyed so many things in the wash as I have it's not the most reassuring concept. I'll sort through it when I have time - at this rate sometime in 2013.

Of course, the Tories will win, wreck the economy and I will lose my job and have a) time to clean the flat and b) no flat.

Win win.

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