Wednesday 5 May 2010


29 April 2010

I was hoping for a string of frothy words so that I could catch up - it's really May 5th - but watchout4snakes seems determined to steer me towards sensible topics. After all, it's impossible to approach the general election tomorrow with the word "mining" in your head and not think of the last Conservative Government.

David Cameron, I suppose, cannot help what his party did in the 1980s but it clearly didn't bother him all that much or he wouldn't have joined it. Indeed, as Gary Younge says in the Guardian “As a young man Cameron looked out on the social carnage of pit closures and mass unemployment, looked at Margaret Thatcher's government and thought, these are my people. When all the debating is done, that is really all I need to know.”

Put alongside the risk of double-dip recessions, links to people who think they can ‘heal’ gay-people with prayer or who run extreme right wing societies who believe that the NHS is a waste of money, and with fellow shadow cabinet members backing homophobic B&B owners, when faced with a slogan of “we’re all in it together” while unveiling tax breaks that benefit only the rich, it really is too much to ask that the Conservative Party – sorry “David Cameron’s Conservatives” have changed. Expect to see, very soon, the Conservative’s David Cameron, and the undermining of many good things we take for granted.

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