Wednesday 7 April 2010


6 April 2010

I could do with one of those.

I've been writing this "word a day" thing for almost 10 weeks now. In quantative terms it's going very well. I won't try and judge the quality, that's not my job. Or at least, if I allowed myself to worry about that I probably wouldn't write anything at all.

But it does get a bit trick at times. I'm sure no one is falling for the idea that I'm really, religiously writing this every day (MySpace lends itself to this illusion by allowing you to lie about when you posted, blogspot does not). In fact I will keep falling behind, just as I frequently used to do at school during cross country running. So it would be nice to have someone step in and write me a few entries from time to time, just to keep things ticking over.

But it could be very dangerous. What happens if I decide that my co-author writes more interesting random-word-based blog entries than me? What if they start getting comments and kudos from people? And what if those comments were things like "I love this one! Your bog iz v patchy mate but sometimes good, like this one and that other one about lizards you wrote last week"? I'm not sure I could handle it.

In reality it feels like a have a co-author anyway. I'm so moody that this blog feels like it's written by someone different every week. At the moment I'm a relatively serious person. Next week I might be back to packing in the surrealist jokes and bouncing off the walls, or I might be angry about politics and be Captain Rant. I don't choose the tone, it chooses me. There's not a wardrobe full of Speedys hanging amid the smell of mothballs. Which is probably a good thing, since I wouldn't have anywhere to put my velvet jacket and frilly shirt, and then what would I do the next time Dress Like Jon Pertwee day came round?

I'm losing the plot. Good night.

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