Tuesday 30 March 2010


12 Mar 2010

This could possibly be the title of the whole blog series.

Many apologies, since I realise that quite a few of these entries will, in fact, be utterly fatuous. There's a quality control issue in churning out a blog a day based on a random word that you don't really know until the day – it's a bit like 24-hour rolling news – no, not utter shit, just very difficult to do well all the time.

OK, not like rolling 24-hour news then.

I got turned down for a part the other day. I'd auditioned for the part of Paul in a production of Neil Simon's Barefoot in the Park. It's a good part. Very funny. Been ages since anyone has given me a funny role. When the Director rang me to let me down, she attempted to make me feel better.

“There was a lot of competition,” she said. Well, fair enough then, I thought. But she went on. “I saw eight people for the part of Corrie.”

Right. And if I'd stuck on a dress and a falsetto that would have been relevant. Nice to know I don't have a monopoly on fatuousness.

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