Saturday 13 March 2010

(2 Feb 2010)

Well, probably not, but I think it takes the biscuit even for me. Two days ago I agreed a challenge with a friend of mine. This challenge was designed to prompt us both to write more frequently, since it’s something we (theoretically) enjoy but frequently end up not doing for days, weeks and even months on end, turning the whole thing into a bit of a chore, since writing out of the blue is a bit like trying to cycle up a sheer wall from a standing start having just eaten seven Yorkshire puddings and a plate of elephants.

The challenge, as it stood, was that each day we should seek a random word – with the wonderful assistance of the World Wide Web for Nature, or whatever we call it – and use that to unlock our creative potential. Or as something to riff on for some really hideous jokes, or possibly just to make us do some writing of any kind, depending on how well it comes out.

It was late last night that I realised that I had completely forgotten to do it. On the first day.


I had looked up the random word. It was “infringement”, which was quite apt since I had so spectacularly infringed upon the Rules of Engagement for this challenge, which were pretty simple but clearly not idiot-proof. Do it everyday. Or at least look like you have. Presumably you could do a few in advance if you knew you were going to struggle, but not pasting something up on the first day is a breaking of a commitment so spectacular that my chances of a political career have just received a major boost.

But given all I could have said about “infringement” was that it should be spelled “enfringement” so that it could refer to the styling of the front of someone’s hair where previously they just had it swept back or in a parting, I think the world is probably a better place.

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