Saturday 20 March 2010


19 Feb 2010

The Tory party famously complained this week about being called Scum Sucking Pigs by a Labour MP. The MP, David Wright, was lampooning Conservative Ads and used the phrase “I've never voted Tory because you can put lipstick on a scum-sucking pig, but it's still a scum-sucking pig.”

Crude yes. Funny? Not particularly. True? Ah.

Let's look at the reaction. Tory chairman Eric Pickles said at the time that such behaviour was likely to further alienate the public at a time when politicians were held in low regard. "This is exactly the sort of politics that voters are so sick of."

Well, perhaps. But on Sunday (not Friday) we had this from William Hague:

“[Gordon Brown is] chalking up as much debt as possible, making as many spending commitments as possible which he doesn't know how to finance, partly in the hope of leaving a new government with a really difficult situation".

No, William. Gordon Brown is following a policy that – internationally – has seen a potential new Great Depression reduced to bad but manageable recession. He is following a policy supported by many, many economists (despite your party's lies to the contrary). He is taking decisions to help people cope with economic problems when they are vulnerable. I wouldn't expect a party that cannot tell the difference between 54% of deprived teenage girls being mothers or pregnant (Tory claim) and 5.4% of deprived teenage girls being mothers or pregnant (true figure), and which then claims it “makes no difference”, to understand the subtleties of managing a croquet club, let alone the national economy, but if you think a new kind of politics is necessary and that voters are sick of political posturing, then isn't it time to stop being disgusting, cynical hacks throwing eggs at someone because you know perfectly well you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're scared the voters will notice?

You had every right to complain about being called scum sucking pigs. Pigs are warm blooded and, I'm told, affectionate, charming creatures. Now fuck off.

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