Friday 19 March 2010


Feb 14 2010

All that has been reactivated is my anger, which is probably not the emotion that it's most constructive for me to hang on to. But I do worry. I just nearly started a fight.

Well, I say “started” - at the time I was of the view that driving round the corner at high speed in front of me without indicating because you were too busy talking on your mobile is pretty much starting the fight, but I suppose some people would say shouting abuse and gesticulating at the driver as he scoots past your face is not the most constructive response.

He then screeched to a halt, slammed (what appeared to be his mum's) car into reverse to come back round the corner again and demand to know what my problem was. At this point I realised that he had a friend in the passenger seat. A sensible man (especially one as puny as me) would have backed down.

Though I'm not sure if that's true. I think if I had shown any weakness they would probably have got out of the car. Instead I took a moment to shout at them like a red-eyed nutjob some more before I walked away.

Thus cunningly presenting the image of a ranting lunatic who was probably off his face on mind altering drugs, I was able to encourage them to drive away. The stupid hat, ragged trousers and tramp-beard probably all helped here.

I should probably not do that again, though. Time to get this out of my system and reactivate peace and, like, love. Y'know.

But do not pick a fight with a lonely man on Valentine's Day. You will lose.

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